We upgraded our computer security when we renewed the software, so it wouldn't let me into part 24 today. One of the words in it led the almighty computer into thinking it was a dating website. I tried the administrator's password, but it wouldn't let me put my password in because it couldn't verify who was receiving my password and that was too scary for almighty computer. AAAAAAHHHH!

Perry clicked the tape recorder off as the university president left the room.

"He believes you, kids."
I couldn't tell, but I trust Perry on this. He's been around the block more than I've been.

I thought it was curious that Clark has been so hush-hush regarding Ms. Anderson and the other witnesses but he allowed her to listened to the tape of Cat's interview with Linda. I had supposed at first that she was listening behind Clark's back, but then she reached out for his hand. Maybe it was because it was a consensual relationship? Maybe because they knew her? I'm just looking for consistency so it all makes sense in my mind.

I was so relieved when Alice and Perry took Lois & Clark aside for some mentoring, particularly as they obviously had planned this. It makes me curious as to what Perry and Clark talked about. (Probably nothing. In my experience men don't share that many details about marriage whether it's going well or not.)

I have never met a married couple who had matching love languages. I know the odds are 1 in 5, but opposites really do attract.

I also liked how they talked about their one thing that night. The little things make such a difference. Wasn't it the author of The Five Love Languages who also talked about making a two degree change to fix a bad relationship? John Trent? He sat next to a NASA employee on an airplane and was told that if the space shuttle was off by only two degrees they would miss the moon entirely. It's his theory that most marriages only fall apart not because they start out being wildly divergent but because they get off by two degrees somewhere and then time allows them to continue drifting apart. His contension is that since it was just little things that started the problem, little two degree changes can bring you back together. He suggests each spouse make a list of 3 minor things and then the partner picks one thing to do. Believe it or not, it works pretty well.

Anyway, that was OT but I think it's a good idea that they're sharing one thing daily since it's the kind of little thing that makes big changes over time.

I'm glad that even though she freaks out a little watching him undo his belt, she still feels safe enough to give him a hug good night.

who bets that Clark's love language is physical touch, but has no guesses on Lois