Thank you again everyone! Let's see if I can make it through a whole FDK thread without losing everything...

Sheila - thanks again. I loved that exchange between them. Mayson really isn't as evil as everyone thinks, I don't think. I think she truly believed that Clark out. If she thought he was happy, she never would have said anything and probably would have made herself get over it long before it got to that point. I think I said that we wouldn't see her again until the sequel but we will smile . Blame Anna [Great Defender of All That is Daniel] for that one. I hope she is able to redeem herself eventually. Juice? We bought a thing of apple juice last night because we were out - want some? wink

Carolyn - Thanks. Watch the boards near you - should be up soon.

Ann - There are certain things that Dr. Emmert has to do regardless of who he believes - that includes protecting and suspecting both sides. She will read the letter - I promise, but it may be a while because their lives are about to be very busy for a while. I can't claim credit for the idea that Martha instilled Clark's love of wacky ties in him. I'm not sure where I got that, but I do remember one with a palm tree on it... I was hoping that the interview worked that way since Lois and Clark really couldn't be there for it and I wanted Linda's words in there and I haven't shown anything where one or the other wasn't there [though I did find a couple of scenes much later in the stuff I've already written that are *sigh* - not sure how I'm going to get around that but anyway...]. Perry said Cat was good at getting women to talk to her and she is. And lol at Snoddas.

cp33 - thanks! I tend to see Cat as more than she was shown on the show - more like Cat's Corner and such.

Michael - Thank you. I hoped it was but after Sheila misunderstood, I think reworking it was right. Feeling variety? Physical touch you mean? Maybe.

AnKS - we've gone through that book a number of times in our Sunday School/marriage class and it does help to understand how others think/feel. My DD4 for instance is very much quality time. As for Emmert... I asked Anna [Great Defender of All That is Daniel] for a good name for a president and she gave me two - I took the first name from one and the last name from the other wink .

Rona - Thank you smile .

Anon - it wasn't everyone that's corrupt - not even very many, but again there's things he *has* to do regardless of who he believes.

Thanks again everyone! Look for the next one later today.