Sunrei -

I know I've been very hard on Clark. I'd still like to kick his Kryptonian rear into the middle of next week, but I've never been without sympathy for him. [And I'm not trying to imply you thought that either wink .]

Terry and Elisabeth have made some excellent points, but I still hold that Clark is going to regret the years he didn't spend with Jory. It's not easy to have a sick child - whether it's something like Down's where the lifespan is [fairly] long or a child with cancer given a few months to live. They're different kinds of hard though, I think.

I think somewhere inside is 'our Clark' who wants to know and love Jory but who is afraid of being hurt again - he lost Pete because he couldn't save him and now he's going to lose Jory because he can't save him and he may blame himself. The whole Kryptonian reproducing with a human thing. This is a genetic thing after all and he may believe it's his 'fault' [not that it is of course - it's just one of those things. I had a friend in HS who later had 2 children both of whom had a specific type of disorder. The little girl died young and her older brother died later [IIRC]. Testing determined that her and her husband had a 75% chance of having a child with this disorder and they chose not to have any more children - she became pregnant unexpectedly and they have a healthy daughter last I heard. I know it was heart wrenching for her to make that decision. However, Clark didn't know about the possibility of this disorder/whatever and how does he know that it's 'his' fault? Couldn't it be the mother's 'fault'? Or some combination of the two or total random circumstance that can't be explained? Of course, all of this is based on Jory being Clark's bio son.]

I *do* understand where Clark's coming from but he's still ticking me off wink .

Carol [whose 8 month old was released from the surgeon's care today smile ]