Working from old memories of a documentary I saw on Progeria many moons ago, there are actually many, many medicines that will each treat one part of Progeria, similiar to the way that most elderly people take a half dozen different medications for a half dozen different problems. I don't remember anything about the episodes that Jory appears to be having, though. The deafness is also an entirely different problem.

If I could have one wish for Jory it would be that he would be allowed to be around other deaf children his own age. Wouldn't it be fun for him to find someone where he is the same? Unfortunately, that oftens means he can't be with his own family--not that he is with his family now in any real sense of the word.

There's a part of me that wishes that Jory really could pick his own parents right now. It might give him a sense of belonging somewhere. I suspect he would pick Martha over Lois any day of the week if he were given the choice.
