Elisabeth, I agree with everything you wrote. Please note that while I was explaining Clark's actions and attitudes, I never claimed to excuse them. You are correct when you say that he should have grown out of that selfishness already. You also have a valid point that the mom usually takes the intensive care role instead of the dad because she's better at than he is, although that's a general guideline and not a hard and fast rule.

Anyway, while I have sympathy for Clark, I have a whole lot more for Jory. He's been cheated of his childhood by his nature, by his physical weaknesses, and by the selfish actions of the alleged adults in his life. None of this is his fault. There's no possible way to blame him for his multiple handicaps. And Clark has not been in the same area code as a good father to him. I think, once he calms down, he'll have the grace to admit that Lois was right about him. And I also think that he'll ask her to help him with Jory. He might not do it with good grace, but I think he will, if only because he knows he needs the help, especially when he hears of an emergency requiring Superman in the evening when Jory's awake. And it will happen. Soon.

Can't wait to read that. This story has taken a very serious turn, and I for one am glad to see it play out. Next chapter soon, please? Pretty please, with feedback on top?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing