Shayne - please, please post more soon. This is a fascinating fic. The previous posts have said much more than I ever could about how good it is, and why.

What I find gripping - and incredibly sad - is the mirror you've put up to current practices. Holding people without charges or trial, in secret prisons. Giving up freedom for security (and not even getting that). Constant surveillance. Suspicion, profiling, facial recognition software, alert lists. It's crept up on us, bit by bit, and one doesn't notice the changes till someone steps back and says, "This is where we are today." And it's scary. This was never what America used to stand for. And yet it's happening here, right now, today.

If this fanfic is going in the direction I hope - where Lois ends up with Clark in Metropolis in the parallel world - I'll just say that she's not the only one who would like to go there.