Shayne, like everyone else I'm loving this. As with the other gentle readers we all love to guess which way your characters will react as they are continually confronted with the obvious anomolies between what the passengers of the plane believe, and the reality of our much harsher world.

I have a small problem with Clark's method of getting some ready cash. The way lottery tickets are sold wouldn't allow Clark to 'choose' which ticket he wanted even if he could 'see' which ones were winners. The tickets are housed in a loose roll in a box and when you buy one, you get the next one in line. You aren't able to choose the 'third one in line'. I suppose Clark could either wait around until the one he wants comes next in line, or just buy enough to get to the one he wants. But that isn't all that practical. It's also going to get increasingly awkward for him to be running around to a bunch of different convenience stores to get some cash.

Considering the current price of gold, maybe Clark should consider a little prospecting? Maybe some deep sea diving to bring up some long lost treasure which he can sell (in very small quantities) to some coin dealers.

Another way for Clark to be able to move around somewhat annonymously would be to pose as a homeless person. Every large city in the US has a sizable homeless population. They can move around the city without being noticed because no one 'sees' them. It might be a way he can get close enough to 'overhear' some important information.

Heck, he's Superman (even if he doesn't know it yet), he can check out the comics and movies and find out all kinds of clever ways to accomplish all sorts of stuff. He really needs to get to a large library, or an internet cafe where he can do all sorts of researh. Not only on what kind of world he now finds himself in, but the width and breath of the 'Superman legend'.

Lois and Lucy; that has so many ways it can go that any way you choose will be fun. Somehow, though, Lois has to make a connection between Lucy and Clark. Did he look for Lois on his world? Did he ever have contact with the Lane family? It's less likely in this story since he isn't Superman and never had any reason to look for Lois Lane since he hasn't met her counterpart from the Lois and Clark world.

This is fun. Keep it coming.

Tank (who wonders if there was a Lois and Clark TV series on this world that is so much like ours, and if there was, does Lois actually look a bit like Teri Hatcher)