Hooray!!! More Veritas!!!

Like Patrick said, I'd like Lois to ask Lucy the kind of questions that could link Lucy to Clark somehow, or at least to Clark's reality. What did Clark's ID say? Metropolis, New Troy?

It's reasonable for Lois to think that Lucy is insane, given the information she has been given. However, as an investigative journalist, it is not reasonable for Lois to just meekly accept that Lucy is nutters. Lois should be used to looking for patterns. If Clark's ID said that he is from Metropolis, New Troy, and Lucy claims that her and Lois's parents live in Metropolis, then it's time for Lois to ask Lucy a bit more about Metropolis. Is it at all reasonable for two unacquainted people, whose sudden appearance in New York(?) is a mystery, to have delusions about Metropolis? Delusions about living or having lived in Metropolis? It's too much of a coincidence not to mean anything.

If Lois wants to find out whether or not Lucy is crazy, it is a good idea to ask Lucy very many questions. What is the Lanes' street address in Metropolis? How old was Lucy when she moved out? Did Lois herself go to college? Where? What were the names of her Professors? What paper did she work for when she disappeared in the Congo? The Daily Planet? How long had she worked for the Daily Planet when she disappeared? Does Lucy know the names of any other reporters working for the Daily Planet? Clark Kent, did you say?

If Lucy can answer all these questions unhesitatingly, or if at least she can explain why she doesn't know some of the answers, then she is either completely sunk into a fantasy world and is stark raving crazy, or else she is telling the truth.

On the other hand, maybe Lois should go with her impression that Lucy is nuts for now. Her conversation with Lucy is being supervised. Perhaps it is better to pretend that she thinks that Lucy is insane? Perhaps those who listen in on the two of them will breathe easier if she does? Then, if the authorities let her go, she could try to contact Clark somehow. He is the one whose ID says he's from Metropolis. Anyway, Lois has mailed his wallet to herself, so she should get it in the mail soon enough. When she does, it's really time for her to start thinking!

Of course, the idea of just leaving Lucy in her dungeon and walking out on her to try to look for clues elsewhere... that would be very hard to do. I wonder... wouldn't Lucy want to ask Lois questions about what happened to her in the Congo? Wouldn't she want to know how Lois got out of there and made her way back to Metropolis(!)? But I guess it is possible that this Lucy is a bit too self-absorbed to wonder much about her sister's life.

Anyway, I think Lucy should be interested in telling Lois about the strange storm that landed her and the other passengers here. I really think she would be wondering why she is not allowed to board another plane and just go home. Maybe she should ask Lois to find a lawyer for her?

It is horrible to contemplate what might happen to Lucy and the other passengers. Of course they are not U.S. citizens, because the are from another U.S.A. It is possible - probable, even - that some Bureau 39-like agency might decide that the best way to handle this whole affair might be to either kill off the entire planeload of trespassers, or else stick them forever in the deepest dungeon anyone can find. It seems clear that Lucy and the others have no future here.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that Clark needs to find a way to bring Lucy and the others back to the universe where they belong. I just hope he can find a way to bring Lois along with him and the others!
