More than further Superman-related references — which might just reinforce Lois' view that Lucy is delusional — I think the one piece of the puzzle that is missing for Lois is the information that everyone on the plane says Metropolis and the Daily Planet are real.

The government obviously still believes it's some kind of conspiracy, but given her earlier thoughts about conspiracy theories, I would expect Lois to realize it's unlikely that 200 people would all be delusional in exactly the same way. Not to mention all the corroborating evidence from the plane (maps, newspapers, magazines, books, money, and on and on). Having the plane and the people on it be a fraud requires the same kind of impossible consistency that we've already seen Lois doesn't believe in.

I'm sure she'd nail it if she had just a few of the facts that the government does. Maybe Agent White will drop just a hint to her, and get the wheels turning? Lois should be able to figure it out on scant evidence: that's her trademark!

Of course, just as she was blind about Clark in the canon version, maybe she has a blind spot about Superman, given how she feels about her name...