Heeeee! Thank you all for the comments!! sloppy

You write fantastic banter that makes their chemistry just jump off the page, even when they're not a couple ...
awwww! Thanks Jenn! I fear I've lost it a little bit, though - where banter is concerned anyway. I've been writing so much dark and angty stuff recently, that amusing and cute just doesn't really come naturally anymore. This said, maybe it's all in my head. wink I'm glad you liked it!!

Jojo - thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed! (I love your cute little dancing icon, btw!)

Being stuck... in a car... with Clark...? Oh boy, there are a couple of pleasant things that pop into my mind, even without trying too hard...
LOL! Yeah, I could think of a few, too. teehee!

And I wouldn't have been surprised if Clark had had some sort of inner clock that tells him without having to check his watch
I believe he does, too. But since Lois doesn't actually know that he's Superman, he glanced at his watch, first. wink

Great story, wonderful punchline!
Heeeeeee! Thank you, Jana! sloppy

Hi Jenni - thanks for the comments! I'm glad you think my reasoning made sense. And I think it might work, too, even if Mayson shows up in the next episode and all... Love how you put this "the male version of those best forgotten" - perfect way of describing it!!

Camy - thank you! smile I'm glad I made you giggle and that the ending took you by surprise. I hoped it might have that effect.

They have been caught kissing by the police!!! Now that is certainly new!!
LOL! Good! I'm glad it is! I thought it might be amusing to have that happen to them. See, I know a couple who this happened to in the past (in fact, I know the girl really, awfully well... ahum...)

"We could put a stop to it easily enough, you know," he said, cautiously. "We could just tell them. And it would all be over..."
Tell them what???
OK... I changed the line in the story because it obviously wasn't as clear as I thought it was. I changed it to "We could tell them the truth." -- see, the thing is, as you know now, they're already going out together. And that bit of dialog is what's supposed to make Bobby understand that they are. So... hopefully it's clearer now. smile

Lara, you're leaving? Didn't I always say that the Dark Knight was a home wrecker? Where is the crossed over Batman gremlin?
Not going away forever, Ann. Really, I'm not. Only, I have Batman stories that I started writing and Bruce really wants me to finish them. wink So, I'll be off on "vacation" for a bit. But I got myself "dragged" into writing some cross-overs, so you can expect to see those sometime in the future.

Mona - thank you for the comments, I'm glad you liked the story!

Michael - thanks! smile I know the episode itself is different from the script. That's why I specified that the line was from "the script for Metallo" -- mind you, in neither of these episodes (which I did watch before writing this) I found anything that would have me believe that they are *not* dating. They may or may not be, when you see the episodes, it's kind of "viewer's choice" in a way - nothing to tell you they are, but nothing to tell you they aren't. Maybe they're keeping the secret from us. wink

I guess Lois is just being polite, or did the House of Hunan really beat the Shanghai original from the Pilot?
You know... I wondered about that, too. I don't see how it could beat the food from the pilot... maybe she's just forgotten about it? wink

Elisabeth - thank you so much for the comments!!
But what were November's two words? And what was the significance of the date?
November's favorite words are "The End" -- you know, when they come up at the end of one's NaNo novel. *giggles* I can tell you I most definitely loved those.

As for the date... um... blush See, I wanted this to be before The Eyes Have It which originally aired on January 22nd, 1995. So, I picked 01/20/1995 as a date for the story (because I could) -- that's the date of my 25th birthday. That's all... Like I said, perhaps not the most exciting date in the history of the world, but one I happen to like nevertheless. wink

Thanks again to everyone for your comments. I really appreciate them!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies