"Gosh darn it. D'you know how much money some of us have riding on this?"
rotflol This just brouht tears in my eyes, from laughter ofcourse wink

A gasp of surprise came from the backseat of the car. "Well, if you don't tell them, I sure will," came a man's voice.
I love it when he just poppes out of nowhere.

Clark took a quick peek at his wristwatch. "Three weeks," he began, leaning in closer to Lois with each new word, "five days, three hours, forty-two minutes... "
aaawww, it's so sweet that he remembers the exact time.

Lois giggled softly, smoothing a hand on his arm. "I'd never have believed that people could be so easily fooled," she marveled. "Talk about being galactically stupid."
What an ending!! So they were dating!! smile I guesse people are easily fooled. You fooled me 'till the end because I had no idea that they were actualy dating. (love the idea though!!)


"I have no regrets. If you regret things, then you're sort of stepping backwards.
I'm a believer in going forwards." ~Kate Winslet