Okay! Whew! What a morning!

It's lunchtime here and guess what?


Well? Come on guess!

Hmmmm.... yes, I think you've got it!

Yep! That's right! The final part is ready! Wahoo!!!

It seems the party in my thread has continued on this morning <giggles>....

Hi Doublel!!! <g> I'm posting soon.

Hi Beethoven! LOL! Your two posts totally cracked me up! I have my own rollercoaster now! Yippee! I'm always saying to hang on for the ride or buckle your safety belts... glad to know I have my own ride. <g> I'm glad your imagination got a chance to stretch it's legs... I'm getting ready to post 24 right now...

Hi James!!! That was the line that caused the choice expletive? LOL!!!! lol Oh, thank you for sharing that. <still giggling> That's great. <g>

Okay, everyone. The moment of truth. I'm getting ready to go open the final post and get it all spiffied up.

<DJ hesitantly begins copying and pasting the text....>

It's really over... <sniffle>

Maybe I could just postpone it another day... one more day... they wouldn't kill me, would they?

<DJ runs out of thread, laughing maniacally...>

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.