<DJ stumbles into the thread feeling a bit of identity crisis...>

Now let's see... did DJ stand for Donna Jane? Or maybe that was Donald James???

ACK! No one was supposed to know about that pregnancy! Now I'll be dissected like a frog...



<DJ pauses for a moment and laughs some more...>

You guys are hilarious! It seems while I was off in the land of the sandman last night that you all were in here having a party without me!

<DJ checks thread again... eyes almost bug out of her head...>


This thread is 2 pages long!!!! <DJ does happy dance> I've never had a fdk thread that went 2 pages long before!!!


Maybe I should shock and disturb you guys more often...

ACK! I'm kidding! Kidding I say! Put down those pitchforks. Sheesh!

But wow, seriously, I'm basking in the afterglow here. drool

Okay, okay, back to the reason I came in here - to answer fdk!

Hi Jessi! I've missed you! I'm so glad you came to leave fdk this time. <g> Yes, it was evil. And yes, I will fix it soon. I plan to fix it sometime today. <g>

Hah, Woody, yes... you can fool everyone if you wanted to... obviously <snort>.

Hi Symbolic! Eeeek! You brought out the heavy guns! You sent a graemlin after me - eeeek! It's coming soon!

Hi Lisa! I was missing you! I'm so glad you know us both well enough by now to realize we wouldn't have ended a story like that.... especially not that abruptly. <g> Thank you!!!

Ahhhh... and I see this is where things went horribly, horribly wrong... <snort> SUE! You aren't supposed to be telling them my secrets!!! :p LOL! But I have to say, that was pretty freakin hilarious. goofy

Hi Malu! I'm so glad you decided to delurk! Yay! You will find out very, very soon, just what exactly was going on. <g> And yes, I think that was the movie. <g>

NOO! the horrors.
LOL! rotflol Oh Woody. <snort> Too funny.

Sue! Ack! <DJ runs into the bath to do a quick pregnancy test... five minutes later...> Phew! You scared me there for a second <snort> Don't DO THAT! LOL! Sorry you had to go into work last night at like midnight! That sucks! But glad you seemed to be enjoying yourself <snort>.

Oh no! Jen! Don't you dare suggest someone start a congratulations thread! Eeep! <Something tells DJ she should check the off top forum when she gets out of here...>

<DJ dances again as she clicks "page 2"...>

Woody! LOL <snort!> Ha ha ha! Yes, it would have been a cool one... maybe next year <g>

Hi Beethoven! Oh, don't apologize at all... this has been hilarious! Hee hee...

Hi Sammy! Yes, this part had actually been inked (in the form of an outline with blurbs and indecipherable chicken scratching...) since almost the beginning of the story. <g> Thanks! And part 24 is coming soon.

WOW! Thank you for the additional comments everyone! And for the party in my thread!!! LOL! What a fun way to wake up in the morning! WOW!

Part 24 will be up soon!

<DJ staggers out of the thread still laughing and still in shock...>

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.