Well, first off, this has been a very engaging and fun story to follow. Watching Lois stumble through her trials has been very enjoyable.

Now, as for this instalment. I read it through getting into the torture and the angst as I normally would, then we hit the ending. My first (and really only) thought was 'Oh no, we've gone through all this to just be set up for another long fic. Not that another long fic by MR would be bad (actually it would be a good thing) but it seemed like we were heading into another 'Forget Me Not' style story. Trust me, if Dr. Deiter would have shown up I would have been seriously ticked-off.

But, instead, I find that we just have to wait for a final part. Which probably means that Lois is just playing a little joke on Clark. I can just see Lois laughing and yelling out "Gotcha!".


Tank (who says that he guesses they'll just have to change the name to MetroEndings from now on)