<DJ stumbles into thread, dragging her tired butt with her>

Holy cow, it's about time I made it in here. Okay...

It was written to incorporate some ideas that got tossed by the wayside from another story (Brakelight Confessional). DJ hated to see them go and kept begging me to bring them back. Which is my way of saying this is all her fault.
I will more than happily accept the blame for this... heap it on... I've been DYING to see this.

Kudos to DJ for suggesting the title (after we spent way too much time combing through legal terms for something clever she pulled that one out of somewhere).
Yes, I pulled it out of one of my many hats. <g> Glad you liked it.

I can never thank DJ enough for all the time, support, advice and snark that she gives me. I'm so lucky to have found her (though Dr. Friskin says it's co-dependancy and I must quit lurking outside her house).
Sorry for calling the cops on you the other night, but you had that awful purple camouflage on and that bush strapped to the top of your head - I didn't recognize you. :p <snort> No, but seriously... awwwww! <hugs> The feeling is more than mutual, I assure you. Eeeee! Now I'm all blushing and bashful... <DJ tries to compose herself so she can offer coherent fdk...>

For DJ. One down and four to go.
Yep, and don't think I'll be forgetting the other 4 either...

Okay, you KNOW how much I ADORE this story Sue. But here's some of my favorites. I loved the "mooning" comments. The lawyer jokes were of course hilarious. And "silhouette strip tease" - that's priceless.

I completely agree with your take on how Lois would see Luthor at this point in time. She obviously at some point had feelings for Luthor... even though she eventually realized it wasn't love and she said no and would have ended up leaving him at the alter if Perry hadn't interrupted the ceremony. --- Lois not only chose not to marry Lex, but then she got to come face to face with the stark reality that he was responsible for all those horrible and atrocious things (like blowing up the Daily Planet) and that he really was a monster. I think she might have felt a twinge of compassion for him when she first saw him in those dirty clothes in that alley when he confronted her in the Phoenix, but I think above all else, she was being very cautious around him... because for all she knew, he'd kill her if she didn't tread carefully. I think she chose not to call the police because she wanted Luthor to "think" that she felt sorry for him... she wanted to stay in his good graces so he didn't just decide to "off her". It's been a while since I saw the ep, but the look on her face and the vibe I get from her is not one of compassion... maybe a little, in the form of pity... but I also get a sense of revulsion from her as well. I'm sure she wonders how she could have ever been in love with someone like that. I know I would.

But of course, that's just my take on it. I thought you handled her emotions nicely in this part. I myself would have been creeped out, that's for sure. But then again, everyone knows I'm a fan. blush Your characterizations are spot on for me - I can always envision the characters saying and doing what you've written...

Speaking of... what awesome banter in this part. It flowed so well and sounded so natural. I loved it. Everyone has commented on the "kiss on the cheek thing" but I too, loved it.

"What about somewhere closer?" she gasped.
<snort> I remember reading that in my beta and thinking "closer"? She wants him to kiss her closer? Touch her closer? WHAT!? I was so lost in the scene I was as clueless as Clark - lol.

"You could probably afford the train to Boston if you'd stop buying concert tickets for Jimmy," she teased.
This is an example of the banter I was talking about. You write it so effortlessly and it's just so perfect and yummy and I can hear/see them saying it in my head. <g>

Loved the "multitasking" line. <g>

Of course the kissing interlude on the couch was totally awesome. I've told you this before, but it bears repeating... your PG stuff is so good, that I don't need any "n". It's hot enough all by itself - and spares me from blushing (yes, I still blush). I like it when you write a PG story because then it's the story and the banter and all the little things that get highlighted and brought to the forefront, instead of just the smut. I know how much work you put into your plot lines and your sly humor and your playful banter - and I love for those things to get an opportunity to shine all on their own. <g>

And of course the ending was pure delight. Lois in there whispering and giggling and poor Clark out there being tortured by it all... ahhhh... Tortured!Clark <DJ jots down a note to add him to her list>

Thank you Sue! Thank you for finally caving in to me and writing this -- (yes, resistence is futile - g) I think from what I've seen (especially after that next part) that this will definitely become one of my favorites. It may be short but it packs quite a punch. That next scene... the one with the fearful begging and the whole giving the shirt thing and the emotional impact of the whole thing - WOW - just WOW! And I've only seen the rough snippets of that scene - I can't imagine how good it will be fleshed out... holy crap!

Okay, and I've babbled way long enough. I hope you have fun on your camping trip! C-ya!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.