What if they had ordered a pizza instead of Ralph's Pagoda?
I thought at first this was a story to answer my challenge of "What if the almost first date went further?" but that's ok - I am getting what I wanted anyway. wink

As for the lawyer jokes - that is an awesome idea. Very spontaneous makes everything seem oh so more realistic somehow. smile1

"What about somewhere closer?" she gasped.
I read this and I seriously thought Clark would say: "The bedroom???" But no he didn't! He had an opening and he didn't go for it! Damn him!

"You could probably afford the train to Boston if you'd stop buying concert tickets for Jimmy," she teased.
Again, good of you to tie it to everything else that happened in the episode. Where did they get those writers from?

She let out a contented sigh and closed her eyes, wishing that, somehow, she could spend every night exactly like this. Her hand smoothed along his chest, detecting his ribs and then lingering at a small bump. She teased at it absent-mindedly, then realized it was his nipple and stopped. Her cheeks burned as she wondered if he thought she had been doing that on-purpose.
Stop torturing the poor boy, Lois. I bet your mind knew all along what that small bump was. Oh yes it did. Mind games....

He cradled her against him and walked slowly towards the bedroom as he inhaled the faint scent of her shampoo. She had buried her face in his neck and her breath was warm on his skin. His body throbbed with the need to keep her there and hold her forever. He could just stand there all night and let her sleep like this, couldn't he? She was half-asleep now and the utter trust she was showing him had banished nearly every lascivious thought.
This reminds me of my own boyfriend and I - he carries me everywhere and I read this and I just ..... meowr? *purrs in contentment*

But on the other hand the mental image of Clark standing there all night while Lois sleeps is such a funny one. clap More please more and soon!

The Little Tornado.

The Little Tornado is ....

Marisa Wikramanayake
Freelance Writer & Editor,
Board Member of SoEWA and Writing WA