Oh, Sue...that was beautiful! I love the different turn that the story took...they did neck on the couch instead of Lois lamely getting up!

"Oh my god," she whispered to herself, "what have you done to me, Clark? I'm falling in love with you."

For a moment she trembled at the sheer rightness of those words. Then she rolled over, clutching the pillow closer to her so she could groan his name at the futility of it all. Please, she thought, let Bobby be right. Let him be mooning over her right now.

In the next room Clark laid wide-eyed on the sofa, staring at the nighttime shadows on the ceiling.
Now did Clark hear her?

Since you have said that this was 1/3, you are therefore finished with the story and will post again soon...right?

I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.