Ah, first off, thanks to Lisa for that sweet compliment. I think you posted while I was still composing my thank you's. I forget they're not real, too, sometimes. The voices in my head are just so *real*.

Good choice, Laura. Fic should almost always come first.

Jojo - how I would miss it if you didn't tease me. sloppy

anonpip - Thanks! Hopefully there's more tension and silly behavior in the next part. Then again... maybe not. <g>

Jen - Yes! WAFF blanket! That's exactly what I was going for. So glad it kept us both warm.

mmouse - Thanks for highlighting my other favorite bit from this part - Lois talking to herself. I giggled when I wrote it and it still makes me smile to think of her lying there confessing to the darkness with no clue that he can hear her perfectly. Even if he wasn't inclined to listen, she made it darn near impossible by repeatedly saying his name first.

So, yes, Sheila. He heard her. laugh The story is basically written, just needs "polish" on the final two parts. I'm out of town from this afternoon until Sunday. I will try to post again by Tuesday.

Anyways don't be too mad at me for disagreeing with you over Lex.
Mad? Did I seem angry? Geeeeez, I hope not! I was just worried that you thought my version of Lois was less than compassionate. They do bring it up again in the next part and I'm concerned now that it might come off as cold-hearted on her side. <eep!> I just wanted to make sure that you understood where Lois is coming from in this story.

It's a curious thing, isn't it? We've all watched the same show and yet we each have unique versions of Lois in our head. That's what makes fic so fun - exploring all the different facets of the characters through different author's eyes.

Thanks, BJ. There's still some filling in of the gaps to come in the next part. I'm glad you liked the "fly you anywhere" line, too. <little happy dance> Yes, he heard her. What's he going to do about it? Well...

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis