Hi FinLi! Thank you so much for the fdk. I'm glad you loved it. Thanks.

Hi Sue!!! Thank you for pointing that line out. That was one of my favorite lines. It's bad enough not to be able to see them alive again or talk to them again... but with Lois having supposedly been disintegrated into a pile of ash... he couldn't even touch her or see her one last time. I found that thought extremely sad.

I cried along with Clark when I read this. It might sound weird to thank you for that, but...

Thank you. This was heartbreakingly beautiful.
Awwwww! <sniffle> Thank you! <hugs>

Hi Elisabeth! Thanks. I'm just blushing all over myself at your compliment. blush And I will admit that men definitely do handle things different than women do - they tend to hold things inside - especially when they are around other people.

But that was my whole point. On the series we only saw Clark as Superman (which he isn't going to show as much emotion as Superman anyway) and we only saw him in public settings. And as Superman we did see him get "angry" - he punched that TV. And he did sort of throw himself into his work when he rushed off to STAR Labs to see what Dr. Klein wanted. We also saw him grieve just a little beside Lois's pile of ash. But my whole point was, what if we had seen him as Clark and seen him privately, when he could truly grieve? Many times in the show the writers showed us that Clark could pout, he could mope, be sad - almost be moved to tears (even in a public setting) like when he's leaving for New Krypton and also when he's grousing over Lois being sentenced to death row - and in neither of those instances was Lois actually dead...

I just really felt that if we had seen Clark by himself, and especially at Lois's apartment, that we would have seen a very different side of his grief.

Thank you for your fdk, Elisabeth - most appreciated.

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.