Hello everyone. Thank so much for the fdk. Yes, I didn't post a deathfic warning with this story because of 2 reasons:

1. I didn't kill Lois, and
2. Lois isn't really dead

I only wrote this fic to explore Clark's feelings which I felt we were robbed of in the show.

But now to address individual comments. <g>

Hi Carol! I'm sorry to have upset you initially. I'm glad you realized what was going on. And I'm glad you ended up liking it once you realized it was an "inbetweenie" -- hee hee, I like that.

I forgot to include that Bubbles was my *muse* blush And then I even got her name wrong - ugh! <g>

Sorry for the confusion. <g>

Hi Darcy! Thank you. I appreciate that.

Heh - and thanks again Carol. <g>

Hi Sira! I'm pleased that it was so captivating. Thanks for the comments.

Hi Bakasi! I'm so glad you found it touching and thanks for the vote of agreement. I appreciate the fdk.

Hi Jenni. I'm glad you were able to relax (realizing that Lois was okay) and just appreciate it for what it was. Thanks for the fdk.

Hi BJ. Thanks for pointing out those details. <DJ hugs Sue and thanks her for brainstorming>. Thank you for the "lovely story" and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Hi Jackiek! Thank you. I'm glad you agree. And thanks for the fdk.

Hi Lisa! Thanks for your comments. I'm sorry I didn't explain the measuring cup thing well enough. Measuring cups are usually used in cooking and we all know that Lois wasn't known for her cooking skills... so I thought Lois might keep something like that in a cabinet that she didn't get into very often, like the one above the Fridge. <g> That's all. And Clark wonders what she'd had it out for - what she had been trying to cook... Thanks for the fdk.

Hi Labby. Yes, as I said above, I chose not to post a warning because Lois wasn't killed in this story, nor was she even dead - this was just an "inbetweenie" as Carol said. <g> Thanks.

Hi Caroline! Thank you for those comments. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll give my muses your regards. <g> Thank you.

Hi Tank! Yes. I love your comments. Exactly. It seemed to me that Lois's supposed death was just unfairly swept under the rug (so to speak) by the emotions not being truthfully explored. It's interesting that you bring up Jimmy and Perry as well... hmmm, I might have to take another shot at that - at their reactions. Thank you so much for your fdk!!! I really appreciated it.

Thanks again everyone for all the comments. It's nice to see that so many of you felt cheated by this episode like I did.

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.