DJ, I finally read it. It's a beautiful story.

A thousand TOGOM's and just one of these.
I became a diehard Superman fan in 1969 when I became convinced that Superman loved Lois Lane, but there have been many times when I have had that belief shaken. Most infamously so by Superman II, of course, but there are also many episodes of LnC that really make you wonder how much Clark really, truly cares about Lois. Take ATAI (I think). Isn't that the episode where Lois asks Superman to freeze her to save Clark's parents? And Clark agrees to do it, even though he understands that the freezing might kill her? Even though he relizes that he might become her killer? Even so he does it, just to save his parents?

And then he almost does lose her. He almost does kill her. And when she wakes up, he doesn't even think she has deserved to be told about his secret. He later proposes to her, still without telling her about his secret, and when she confronts him with his deceit and won't accept his proposal right away - his proposal to her to share her life with him, when he however wouldn't share one of the most overwhelmingly important facts about his own life with her - then he is hurt and angry with her. Remember how easily he broke up with her in Contact, too. And in Don't Tug On Superman's Cape, he showed little grief at the news that Lois was dead. Yes, maybe that was because he received the news as Superman, and we never saw him react as Clark. Then again, maybe he didn't really care all that much?

Maybe that is the reason why we see so many more Lois deathfics than Clark deathfics? Some people have suggested that it's more satisfying to write Lois deathfics than Clark deathfics, because Lois could easily move on afterwards and she wouldn't be too badly hurt by Clark's death. His death wouldn't be so dramatic to her, in other words. Clark, on the other hand, would be devastated if Lois died. Well, I'm not so sure that this is true at all. Maybe it's the other way round. And maybe that is why we so badly want to see Clark grieve for Lois, and maybe that's why it is quite popular to serve up Lois dead and cold to Clark and to do it as heartbreakingly as possible, just to finally, finally touch Clark's heart and get to see him cry.

Maybe, if it became popular to rewrite DTOSC instead, it would become less urgent to really kill off Lois in order to get some reaction out of Clark.

So yes, DJ, this new take on Clark might be just what the LnC fandom needs.
