Oh wow! Oh wow! Look at all this additional fdk.

Hi Terry. Thank you for those lovely comments - that means a lot to me coming from you (who was I believe nominated for "She" in the Kerths this year). You "got" exactly the points I was trying to make. Armor plating... yes... I had to drag mine out even on this story for just a little while. <g> Oooh, thank you. I'm so glad I was able to move you. Thank you for those comments.

Hi Kristen! I would welcome any and all who want to give us a second look at this episode and a different take on it. Like I said, I thought this episode had massive angst potential and then fell flat. I'm so glad you enjoyed this and thank you for the fdk.

Hi Shayne. Ooooh! Thank you so much! What wonderful fdk from you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Hi again Carol. I wouldn't mind if I had triggered something... who knows, I might even try my hand at it again some time.

Hi Ann. <hugs> Thank you. I'm glad you were able to bring yourself to read it.

Yes, maybe that was because he received the news as Superman, and we never saw him react as Clark. Then again, maybe he didn't really care all that much?
No. I refuse to believe that. We can see how much Clark loves Lois in all the little things he does for her, all through-out the series. I realize that you are a different kind of Superman fan and haven't seen many of the episodes of LnC. But in the series, Clark shows his love for her in so many million different little ways. All the sweet almost unnoticed little touches, glances, smiles... the way he is so attentive to her and does everything in his power to keep her safe and take care of her. It is obvious in the series that she means a great deal to him - there really is no other woman for him. I just think we got robbed of seeing his true emotion in this one particular episode - and so I wanted to try my hand at showing that emotion.

Thanks for the fdk, Ann.

Hi Kathy! Yes, I remember that post too. I had been thinking about writing this, way back then (whenever that was) - after that post I made some notes on what I wanted to do... then I just had to find the time and the right 'mental set' to write it. And, oh wow, such a wonderful compliment that I was able to write him in a way that fit with the character in your mind. Yay.

And yes, I agree, the angst "potential" in this paricular episode is enormous... I would love to see it explored more. Thank you so much for that wonderful fdk.

Hi Pamela! Thank you. I'm glad you loved it and could immerse yourself into it as if you were seeing things through Clark's eyes. Thanks.

Hi Nancy! Thanks for the fdk. If you don't remember Superman thinking that Lois died, you should definitely go back and re-watch the episode some time - you'll see how cheated we were. When Superman sees the tape of Lois supposedly being killed he yells out "NO!" and punches in the screen of the TV he's watching at the Daily Planet. Then in the next scene, we see him at the spot were Lois died. He looks lost and forlorn, but the scene only lasts all of 4 or 5 seconds I think. He sits sadly on the curb next to a burnt spot on the concrete and hangs his head.

And then that's it! Bam! We shift scenes to an alarm going off at STAR Labs and Dr. Klein apologizing aobut Lois and Superman looking a little sad and saying thanks... and then Dr. Klein telling him that he thinks the Lakes are involved. Then Superman goes to find the Lakes and they reveal that Lois is in fact still alive - they have her encased in a glass cage and if Superman wants to keep her alive, he has to step into a cage of his own. He rushes over to touch her, but he can't - there's a forcefield (you can see the obvious relief on his face) and he agrees to step into the cage because he can't lose Lois again. Lois says no, that the world needs him and he tells her that he needs her.

Awwww, sniffle... Anyway, thanks for the fdk.

Thanks again everyone. All this fdk really made my day.

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.