Nicely done. Powerful imagery and the emotions and sentiments were well presented.

I've always wondered about that episode. In TOGoM we have not only Lois, but Perry and Jimmy being all emotional over Clark's death. A guy they've only known for a little over a year.

But in DToSC we have Perry and Jimmy; two people who have known Lois for years (one her surrogate father, the other her 'little brother') and what do we get? The equivalent of 'Darn that girl, why couldn't she stay hidden?'

I've also always wondered why the talented ladies of these boards, who really enjoy showing Clark's soft and mushy side, haven't written more of these explorations of Clark's grief.

Maybe we will have the start of a new trend here.

Tank (who thought the story was well done, but thinks that it's going to take some doing by the gentle writers to catch up to the TOGoM rewrites)