you are certifiable weird, you actually scare me sometimes, but I’m always fascinated reading your universe spanning posts.

For myself I’ve never been a superman fan. I read some comics as kid but I thought his perfection and boy scout image boring. His powers let him conquer any challenge, without any cost to himself. In fact I cannot understand how this two dimensional character could have such an appeal. .
But that changed with this TV-series. Here he isn’t just the god of law and order with a stiff upper lip. Here there is a duality between his physical invulnerability and psychological insecurities. Here there is actually a reason for why he needs Lois and cares for people in general.

So I think you let LCTNAOS suffer for the crimes of the classic superman mythos. When Clark is the disguise and superman is the real deal, it just cruel to string Lois along and it makes no sense unless it’s some kind of power trip for him. But in this incarnation it isn’t so. This is the reverse Cinderella story. How can Clark be sure that he is enough when Lois ignores him but worship Superman?

What is it that you want him to say?
- "You know that guy you like so much is only a role I play. But I’m in love with you and even though you haven’t given me a second glance, I hope you will learn to love me by association?"
It’s like if you fall in love with Rhett Butler only to find out that he is Clark Gable, who is quite a different guy. If the actor knows where your attraction stems from and doesn’t recognize himself don’t you think that this will alienate him?

And if Clark tells the truth aren’t chances good that everything will just fall apart? Lois doesn’t take kindly to being fooled or looking stupid. And even worse, if she just suddenly buys the concept and start going out with Clark, haven’t she proven herself amazingly shallow?
To me, his reticence to reveal himself, and trying to court her as Clark makes perfect sense.


Nice work. You have an amazing ability to "fleshen" them out.
The kiss between the shoulder blades was a really nice touch. I actually felt that one.
I thought it quite curious that in the series Lois gave Superman so much private space. It would have more sense both for her work and as her love interest to pump him relentlessly for information. The functionality of the suit is rather obvious approach if she wants to get closer to him.
So this is interesting. Perhaps I’m not so perceptive, but I'm one of those that didn’t get the end either. Even when you explain the punch line, it doesn’t really work for me.

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...