Hehehe! I love it!!!

"You want me to seduce Superman?" Lois was aghast.
It wouldn't be *that* hard... The man's been waiting for it all his life, you know. hehehe!

"I bet Superman would just take the suit off if you asked him," Jimmy put in.

"Only if she asked him really nice," Clark added.
Really nice? Yeah, he added that for the audience, cause I'm sure in his head it went more like "As soon as she asks"... LOL

She was never going to see him without the suit.
Oh, *she* will. What bugs me is that *I* won't.

It was excellent!!!

There's just one tiny little thing... Ok, I must be very very dense. OR there isn't enough cafeine inside me... or something.... cause I don't understand the end. sad Maybe I'm just stupid. Can anyone explain it to me? you know, like you would to a five year old? wink

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies