Oh! This story took me by surprise, I didn't know you had another up your sleeve so soon Sue! Good stuff.

please don't think it's going to contain any kind of realistic characterization or anything.
Down with realistic characterization, we need variety in the world. smile But seriously, nothing about Lois struck me as particularly off-key. While not as hard-edged as I've seen her depicted in other fics, that doesn't mean there isn't space for something like this (in fact, Lois in the series isn't as hard edged as I've seen her elsewhere). Yay variety in any case.

Lois shrugged. "There are all kinds of proof. And sometimes the question you ask isn't the question that gets answered."
My favorite line, so true. Takes it from a general would Lois seduce someone for her benefit, to can Lois seduce Superman, with its obviously more personal shading. I feel like she seems to think she can seduce him (or push a little more) by the end so there's a moralistic turn of things when she doesn't pursue things further--an "I respect your boundaries" type of thing. The whole fear of rejection thing seems absent here too, which was unexpected--unless I missed something in my admittedly cursory reading. I like that though--her desicion not to go further while knowing on some level she can push a little more definitely emphasizes Clark/Superman's vulnerability and Lois' moral fiber.

I can't believe I used "moral fiber" in a post. Ick.

All in all, a nice treat.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan