Okay Sue, So here is the real deal.

I loved this and would love to see more like this from you. My favorite type of stories are the ones who don’t explain everything and leave a lot up to the readers imagination. I know a lot of people were saying something about a sequel to this but please, please, please don’t. That is what makes stories like this wonderful, it is the want and need at the end for more. But when you don’t get it you are left to dream at work and at home and driving in your car about what happened next. It is one of the reasons I love stories like Yvonne Connell’s “Go Softly Into The Night” which you should read Sue. I know you have a list of ones you should check out but that one is short and fantastic. You did something great with this ambiguous story.

Clark fought a smile. "If anyone could do it, it would be Lois."
I love Clark’s remarks during this whole scene. It was such a giggle knowing along with Clark that Superman is actually standing there among them all. His remarks were just the icing on the cake for this scene.

"Only if she asked him really nice," Clark added. "But I don't know that he'd let you take a picture."
God, I love him. [Linked Image]

"Did you tell him or did he follow you?"

"He sorta helped me move in, I guess you could say."
It’s so cute during this scene how he is trying to be as honest as he can with her about himself with out actually telling her truth. I love that good streak in him… of course his bad streak is pretty darn sexy as well. ^_~

Superman stopped walking and she had to stop abruptly and turn around. He looked almost wistful, but maybe that was the dim lighting. "I hope so. Someday."
I think everyone has quoted this but I just had to say this was great. It gave be the warm fuzzies… which in my book are almost as good as any nfic,

He almost laughed. She was going to win the bet but she was going to do it without using a shred of her considerable sex appeal. She was going to babble it out of him. "Yes," he said with a smile. "The suit comes off."
Ahaha, I laughed out loud at this. Babble it out of him. Just wonderful! I know my coworkers are going to think I am crazy with the amount of random laughter that comes from my cubicle walls.

Clark nodded, not trusting his voice. He waited to exhale until she had left the room. It's okay, he told himself. She'll come back, take your picture and you can leave. Fast.
Yes because superman with a woody just wouldn’t do now would it? Am I allowed to say woody over here? [Linked Image]

"Why? What does she gain by hiding the pictures?"

A smile spread across his face as he answered her. "Proof."
The ending was wonderful Sue. It made me think but not to hard that I didn’t figure out what the proof was he was talking about. I have a big smile on my face right now over this story. I’d love to see more shorts like this from you. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!