"At least I'm not worried about falling out of my clothes if I sneeze," Lois retorted.

"I bet Superman would just take the suit off if you asked him," Jimmy put in.

"Only if she asked him really nice," Clark added.
Great stuff! I can just see the look on Clark's face, like the cat who ate the canary.

He almost laughed. She was going to win the bet but she was going to do it without using a shred of her considerable sex appeal. She was going to babble it out of him.
I am at work, Sue, you're not supposed to make me laugh like this!

I can't believe he is actually going to do this!

Clark gasped, a cold sweat breaking out on his forehead as he realized just how close to the edge of his self-control he was.
And that's why!

"Why? What does she stand to gain by hiding the pictures?"

A smile spread across his face as he answered her. "Proof."
Does Clark mean that by not showing the photos, Lois proved that she cares for Superman?

Great story, Sue!

lisa in the sky with diamonds