Okay, I'm back.

"At least I'm not worried about falling out of my clothes if I sneeze," Lois retorted.
I almost fell out of my chair when I read that. So funny!

"You want me to seduce Superman?" Lois was aghast.

"You don't think it can be done?" Cat raised one perfectly plucked eyebrow derisively.

Clark fought a smile. "If anyone could do it, it would be Lois."
That whole part totally cracked me up - Clark sitting there getting to hear them talking about him and about Lois seducing him. Kind of not fair that he's in on it - he's ahead of the game!

"Only if she asked him really nice," Clark added. "But I don't know that he'd let you take a picture."
Oh come on Clark, be a good sport. drool

She had only used seven pictures so far. What else was on the film? She couldn't remember. It didn't matter.
This still gets to me... argh! Curiosity will kill me one of these days! Ugh - what was on those other pictures?

She opened the camera and pulled the film out, watching it turn brown as it was exposed to the light.
Aw, man! Lois!!! We would have paid good money for those pics... did you really have to do that?

"So have you seduced Superman yet?"

"No," Lois replied without looking up.

From across the table Clark gave her a confused look.
That made me giggle.

I loved this Sue! Mmmm, what a wonderful, waffy, wistful way to end my afternoon.

-- MR angel-devil

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.