My first priority is to finish up "Momentum 2", which is currently about half done, and then yes, I definitely want to get back to work on "When More Becomes Everything"! smile

The only fly in the ointment is this BatP/HoL rewrite that has grabbed hold of my mind and, despite my best efforts, doesn't seem to want to let go. I made the mistake of telling Annie all about it (like WMBE, I have it all plotted, just not written) while I was visiting her and she was so excited about it, it didn't help me push it to the back of the priority list. <g>

But with any luck at all, I'll get M2 out by the end of the year and then be able to spend 2004 working on finishing at least one of these two what-look-to-be-epic-length stories! smile

Thanks for asking!
