Kathy and Annie,

Wow! I am speechless. I absolutely loved this part -- and the whole story laugh .

I loved how Lois was reliving the kiss and the whole conversation with Lucy. Who would have thought, Lucy is the voice of reason wink .

After all, this was all Lucy's fault. It had been *her* birthday, *her* party, and *her* boyfriend who'd made the drinks. And, now that Lois thought about it, she was pretty sure it had been Lucy who had encouraged her to call Clark in the first place!
LOL!!!!!!!!! I love Lois's logic here smile . Obviously it's all Lucy's fault... there was no way it could be Lois's fault wink .

Alcohol doesn't make you do anything you didn't already want to do. It lowers your inhibitions and blurs your judgment, but it doesn't change who you are or what you want.
Very good point!

And, wow, poor Clark chugging an entire bottle of wine and it still didn't make him drunk! Poor Superman just wants to forget.

And right now, she was much too intoxicated by his kisses to talk.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! What a great ending!
I hope if you ever have time again that you collaberate on another fic smile . You both are such good writers individually, and together you might be even better smile .

- Alicia smile

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve