I liked this, too. I agree with everything everyone else has already said.

I just have one quibble. I don't understand:

Her breath was warm against his neck. “Is there anything I can do?”

He turned his head, burying his nose in her hair, breathing her in, for one last time. One last embrace. “Marry me when I get back.”

She tensed in his arms and he loosened his hold, pulling back slightly and watching her face.

“Clark...” She let her voice trail off as she raised her eyes to his. The apology written in them... “I love you, but I can’t marry you.”
I'm sure it's because I'm dense, but I don't understand why Lois would refuse his proposal like that. I know, she told him to ask her again some day, but she'd already confessed her love for him and accepted his love for her. Not Superman's love, but Clark's love. I just don't get why she'd say 'no.' I could understand "we'll talk about it when - not if - when you get back" but not a flat refusal. And I don't understand why she didn't try to explain it to Clark, because he didn't get it either.

Can someone explain this to me? Or is this just one of those things a dense man will never understand?

Aside from that, I enjoyed the glimpse into Clark's mind, how he remembered his love for Lois before he remembered anything else. I still wonder where the images of marital bliss came from, if they were really just remembered dreams or if there was some H. G. Wells-type stuff going on.

Hmm. Maybe all will be revealed in the sequel, eh?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing