No, there was no choice. He’d pick her. Every time.

“You don’t need to hold onto a dream, Clark. I’ll be here when you come back.”
And that was just lovely.

“I’m not scared, Clark. I know you’ll make it back, because you’re so much more than just Superman. You’ve got so much more to live for. Your parents, your friends... me.”
What a wonderful, wonderful take on it.

It's a good thing I was planning to donate to the fundraiser, because I definitely want to read that epilogue sooner rather than later.

Such a lovely story, David. And your writing style is just amazing. Not a word out of place; every single one perfect and imbued with meaning.

Thank you for this story. I look forward to rereading it in its entirety on the archive. smile

"Superman is a guy who's seen wonders we'll never see and Lois is to him, one of those wonders."