Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
The whole scene between John and Lois at the end, where he asks her to run away with him, felt like echos of the Chloe and Davis scenes from a season previously, mixed a little bit with EVERYONE falls for Lois theme (which got a little old) in LnC.
In Smallville it was EVERYONE-falls-for-Lana theme. [Linked Image] As I read once in a fanfic, she must have been a meteor infected and her power was making every man fall for her. This explained why Clark was the most vulnerable to her power. cat
I love this explanation for Lana! clap I noticed that Lana also seems to have this association to Green K for Clark and Lois a red K connection. Coincidence? Yeah, probably. But still... Lana is like Green K to Clark (i.e. death) and Lois is like red K (i.e. passion). thumbsup Makes sense to me. smile

Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
Originally Posted by MozartMaid
Never made the Chloe/Davis connection to Lois and John, but I guess you're right. Though I would say things were much more on the up and up -- well, despite Lois stealing the red K heart for him whistle -- than anything with Chloe and Davis.
I didn't make the connection, too. I guess I never found something so abhorrent as the Chloe/Davis relationship. Lois saved John's life, but he was not a monster in a killing spree. And she went as far as stealing the red K heart to save him, while Chloe hid the monster in her house, led victims to him (they were bad guys, but even so she led them to be murdered and afterwards she dumped the remains). sick She was accessory to Davis's crimes. As I've said before, I could never forgive her after her involvement with Davis. sad
There was just something about that scene which reminded me (had the vibe) of the scene where Davis asks Chloe to run away with him (or maybe it was the scene where he tells her that he loves her). Yeah, I could totally see that Corban fell for Lois because she went out of her way to help him and seemed to accept him despite his mechanical heart.

Clark, Zod and his baddies atop buildings making it snow had no appeal to me. [Linked Image] It reminded me too much of City of the Angels

City of Kryptonians. goofy
Oh, totally. Hated that movie. razz

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.