S9,E3 - "Rabid" -- Zombies. razz
Sorry to hear that you didn't like this episode. I love it. Not zombies ... I'm not a zombie fan. My hubby is, but he doesn't like this episode! Go figure.

Some of the B-plot stuff was okay, though. Oliver is drinking and popping pills too much. I have to say that Clark's pep talk at the end was anything but "peppy" and helpful.
Poor Oliver really can't cope with what happened at the end of S8 and how the League's behaviour led to two deaths. He only gets worse. I don't think there was anything wrong with Clark's talk, but ... nope, it didn't work. That was more because he didn't realise how bad Ollie was. He thought that Ollie only needed a simple 'Come on, snap out of it, you're a great hero'. Although, telling him off for letting Lois fall asleep... yeah, not helping, but poor Clark is just beginning to understand how much Lois means to him and nearly losing her scared him.

Lois is still having those flashes from the apocalyptic future from hell, but isn't getting any closer to telling anyone about them. Does she even know she went into the future? I'm guessing not.
She hasn't a clue what happened in the missing three weeks, and she thinks that these are mostly dreams.

I loved the scene in the rain. Clark holding Lois while she battled against him. His face, to start with, is so full of concern and worry, that she won't get better. But then she settles and he holds her close. When she finally comes too, and the sun comes out ... *sigh* I so wanted them to kiss. It was so close, the way there were gazing at each other. Clark even brought his hand up to her cheek. *sighs again*

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."