S9, E1 - "The Savior" - Clark Kent has given up his human life to become the Blur full time. He's given up his red/blue-ness for a more trench-coaty goth angel look out of guilt for Davis having killed Jimmy after Clark saved Davis from being the Doomsday. (I can't say it's an improvement.) And Tess has paramilitary looking house guests who somehow are young Kryptonians from Candor, one of whom is Zod? wave

EDIT: I just thought of something. What if the reason that Lois can't remember her trip to the future is because she slept with Clark and he wiped her memories (got to go all the way for the mind wipe in this millennium.) Anyway, just a thought.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.