S9,E2 - "Metallo" -- hmmmm. Where have I heard that name before? wink
So, she picks up Shelby and takes her back to her (and Chloe's?) apartment over the Talon. Didn't Lois move into her own new place in Metropolis last season? I remember her moving out because of Chloe and Jimmy's midnight lovemaking and almost moving back into the Kent farmhouse, but then she got a raise and said she moved into her own place. Now, she's back at the Talon? Or is she just crashing at Chloe's? This isn't very clear.
She wanted to move out to avoid the happy couple, in S8, so she nearly moved into the Farmhouse. Yes. But then she got a raise and said that she was 'looking' for her own apartment. In the end we NEVER hear that she found one, or that she moved. She still living above The Talon even in S10.

I've got to say, that I don't like The Blur's new black and grey duds as much as his blue shirt and red jacket (with a 1000 watt smile). While it might blend into the shadows better, there's an element of dark angel about it. He used to be excited about transforming into the Red/Blue Blur and going to save people, but now he's cold and distant, hanging out with gargoyles as if this is a chore he has to do as opposed to something he *wants* to do.
I love the black and grey. I always associated the Red and Blue (as a jacket and jeans) with him being a teenager. I liked that he looked more mature, this way.

I also don't like that The Blur is marking the site of all his saves. That doesn't make any sense at all.
*runs around screaming* This is one of the few things I like to ignore or I cry. I think I mentioned before that there are some ... throughout all 10 seasons. But what show, especially one running for so long, is not going to have SOME points that don't make sense, or offend certain viewers.

I was a bit surprised that Corben was able to recognize Clark on sight as the Blur. He never met Clark Kent, did he?
He's not recognizing 'Clark Kent' as The Blur, he's just recognizing that this man stood in front of his is The Blur. He never called him anything except The Blur.

The Blur is becoming more dependent on Lois and he's seeing that maybe that's not a good idea, but now that he's addicted, he's going to have trouble letting her go.
Since when has any Clark Kent ever been able to let go of Lois Lane. It just took this one a little longer to realise.

Clark waking Lois up was very reminiscent of Clark waking Lois up after freezing her at the end of "AtAi". But, then, as soon as she starts to wake, he dives back into the shadows. It would have been nice, if Lois saw that it was Clark would had rescued her, instead of the Blur. laugh When she asks to show his face, she gets this expression on her face like she recognizes him or something, even though his step forward still keeps his face shaded.
She doesn't know. But I soooo wanted him to step forward even more. In the end, I'm happy with the fact that he DID take one step forward. For a moment, he was going to tell her, he wanted to tell her.

I have to say, I love, love, *LOVED* the ending banter scene between Clark and Lois. Clark is excited to be resurrected and happy to see Lois as himself. Lois is ecstatic to see Clark and bubbling about her new-found friendship with The Blur. Instead of brushing her off, though, Clark actually sits down and asks Lois to tell her all about it. hyper We didn't really see that kind of scene on LnC. Lois more bombarded Clark with her views on Superman, but we rarely, if ever, saw him ask Lois to tell him her side of the story.
That end scene is fantastic. Lois' reaction to Clark being back is quite unexpected for him. He's decided to rejoin the Human race. Yay! They hug. He smiles at her, listening to her ramble on about her adventures. It's just great. And it gets referred to in the very end episode of the Season ... important for Clark.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."