posted December 06, 2013 01:49 PM
Originally posted by LMA:
(And the offer to PM you is really nice, too, if questions ).

What you said about how the length of time of the series really benefits the character development sounds so true. You really got to spend a lot of time with these characters--getting to know them and their personalities--and I can appreciate the value in that...(and it's nice knowing that whatever is going on, L&C are ending up together ).

After the holidays, I have a feeling I know what I'll be up to

Check your inbox! I got ambitious!

Yep. We all know how it all turns out... but I think there's a quote -- maybe Lord of the Rings? -- about the journey and not the destination.

I envy you your first watching of the eps! The really good ones especially! Have fun and Happy Holidays!
Thank you SO MUCH for the list! smile ...What a nice surprise! Totally great point about the 'jouney--not the destination' being what is important...so true with so many aspects of life, also. Have been totally on Christmas-mode trying to get ready for the holidays, but once things settle down, I'll really have to start watching...

Thanks dance

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~