Originally posted by KatherineKent:

The people who watch LnC for the 'romance' and not because of any connection to the single character of Clark/Superman, probably won't watch Smallville.

The people who watch Smallville for the character of Superman (not Clark/Superman - just the macho superpowered hero aspect) will probably not watch LnC. Same with the teenage angst (ugh).

Because of these differences I think we also get a different kind of fanfic writing for each of the shows.

I think what I'm leading up to here is to say that we need a 'recommendations' list for the people here who would miss out on fantastic Lois and Clark stories just because it's based on Smallville (or on the Comics universe). There are plenty of stories out there that only have vague references to characters and events and could otherwise easily slip into the LnC world. Unfortunately at the moment, my brain is screaming at me to get some sleep and so I can't bring a single one to mind. ARGH!
Interesting... cause I like both shows for the Lois and Clark relationship. I stayed away from Smallville for YEARS (finally tuned in around Season 9 and then had to go back and rewatch everything to get the story line), but I turned to it during an obsession over LnC. From a LnC lover AND a Smallville watcher --meaning, I love the Clois of both shows-- here's my rundown of Smallville, because it is really worth a watch, particularly for Erica Durance's portrayal of Lois, as much as I love Teri Hatcher's...

(This is all from memory, so if you want a particular episode title, just ask and I'll look it up! I'll even PM you a list of must-see eps from Season 4-10 if you want... But to save time, just going for description here -- with as few spoilers as possible!)

Season 4 is when Lois first appears on Smallville. Watch the first episode. The chemistry between the two in the first episodes is spot on.

Season 5, Lois is more a part of the Kent family, as she helps Mr. Kent with a senatorial campaign, and the sibling rivalry between Lois and Clark is played up in interesting ways. The eps she appears on in this season are interesting for understanding her relationships with men, and particularly those with super powers. She has a brief affair with Aquaman, and it is interesting to see Clark get jealous without realizing that is what he is doing.

Season 6, Lois dates Green Arrow in this season. Also some interesting foreshadowing and yet room for development in terms of how Lois handles a 'super' relationship.

Season 7, lost its way. I think this is the season of the Hollywood writers strike, and this season definitely suffers in terms of story arc. Just 'Siren' and the last episode really has any good Clois in it. Though this is the season Lois starts work at the Daily Planet.

Season 8, things get interesting... Lois suggests Clark applies to work at the DP. The triangle built for three develops in this season, as Clark takes on the persona of the Blur -- an invisible hero that Lois never sees. Halfway through this season, during Chloe's wedding, is when Lois realizes her feelings for Clark. Right when Lana makes a reappearance...

Season 9, Lois and Clark start dating... lots happens in this season...as I said above, PM me and I will give you a list of eps with a key as to which eps involve which characters... but you should pretty much see all of season 9 and 10...

Season 10, Not to reveal too much, but Lois learns the secret without Clark knowing for a few eps, and then it is a denouement of solidifying their relationship and Clark becoming Superman.

One thing I really like about Smallville, is that there is such a complete story arc for Lois and Clark through the seasons. You generally don't get to spend this much time with characters and really see how in many ways, they can fall in love over the length of a show, and not just cram it into a few episodes. And of course, since you know they will end up together, it is fun (if frustrating at times) to watch them go through their ups and downs, and see how the actors show feelings for each other, even if the writing really isn't there yet (the writers were 'forbidden' to write any serious Clois until Season 8, I think). So I enjoy that 'completeness' of character development that I think you get with Smallville. Not to say LnC didn't have that, but a lot of us I think can agree that once Lois and Clark got together, Lois lost some of her agency with some of the plot devices -amnesia, and so on --and Smallville rarely falls back on those sorts of plot twists. They happen occasionally, but they are not as forced.

All that said, for detail of their history, Seasons 4-6 are vital to watch (and one ep in season 7, Siren). For their dating history, then Seasons 8-10. Consult the Smallville wiki (or PM me!) for the eps that Lois appears in to help narrow it down further.

As to Smallville fanfic, ahem... not to toot my own horn, but please try my fics. I really enjoyed writing Blurring the Lines , which has a prequel, linked on this TOC. I've written a few more, which you can find on other sites. If there is interest, I will work on posting those here as well. smile

Anyway, I guess what I really want to say is, if you love LnC, give Smallville a chance. The early seasons and just about ALL of the Lana stuff, has too much teenage angst and is quite immature. The later Clois is well-written, IMHO, and any fan of the characters of Lois and Clark, should really give it a chance! smile

Edit: more accuracy on Smallville eps.

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink