One "Smallville" fic I can wholeheartedly recommend is Elsewhere by bulbus. It's based on the early years of "Smallville", so Lionel Luthor is the bad guy and Lex is still sort of good. Also, Lois hasn't appeared on the scene yet, and Chloe is the love interest. It's an excellent parallel-world fic. Clark has to act Supermanly, numerous times, before he can get back to his own universe.

Another really good fic is Getting Eaten Alive by Tandrelmairon. It's not Smallville, it's not L&C, it's not the Reeve-verse movies - it's just Lois and Clark and Superman, based on seventy years of comics and shows and concretions of legend. I had to read it five or six times to catch some of the subtleties in it. It's a very rewarding fic that stands up well to a lot of 'thinking-about' and re-reading.