Yeah, Briee is an exceptional writer and the story you recommend is especially good.

There are a lot of excellent Smallville fics out there. I started off as a SV fanfic writer, fics like the one above having given me the inspiration to write out the scenes I was playing in my own head.

Of course, now I've moved onto LnC fics.

I have noticed something about the kind of people that like one, or the other, or both shows. And I think this translates through to fanfic, and what people read/write.

There are people (like me) who are, first and foremost, a Clark/Superman fan. How much I love the relationship between Clark and Lois is second place (by only a smidgen) to how much I love the character of Clark/Superman. So ... I watch anything with Superman in it and am therefore a fan of both shows.

The people who watch LnC for the 'romance' and not because of any connection to the single character of Clark/Superman, probably won't watch Smallville.

The people who watch Smallville for the character of Superman (not Clark/Superman - just the macho superpowered hero aspect) will probably not watch LnC. Same with the teenage angst (ugh).

Because of these differences I think we also get a different kind of fanfic writing for each of the shows.

I think what I'm leading up to here is to say that we need a 'recommendations' list for the people here who would miss out on fantastic Lois and Clark stories just because it's based on Smallville (or on the Comics universe). There are plenty of stories out there that only have vague references to characters and events and could otherwise easily slip into the LnC world. Unfortunately at the moment, my brain is screaming at me to get some sleep and so I can't bring a single one to mind. ARGH!

So, hope you don't my me rambling on. Hopefully I've done it in an endearing Lois style and now Clark is 'head over heels' in love with me. laugh

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."