So I would say, any story which describes Lois and Clark's intimate relationship but doesn't evoke even a slightest bit of tender feelings in us as erotic ie. all passion and lust but no possibility of it ending in love in near future!
Mmm... Guess I should have read the thread before I voted because this isn’t the way I’d look at an erotic story at all. In my thinking, a romantic / waffy story has no sex - maybe a kiss and lots of feelings but no sex. But then I suppose being tired, I didn’t read your definition that closely either - my bad. I was thinking that you were including some of the things like role play - not that it was strictly limited to the things you mentioned. Oh, well. (Let me also say that I’m not mad at you or upset with you. I thought this was a great poll - otherwise, I wouldn’t have voted.)

Well, I voted for erotic stories. But I really meant that I like LnC nfic, not that I want Lois and Clark to have casual, "hard" or very kinky sex.
Yes, you said it well, Ann. I agree.

I didn't think that so many people are going to be mad at the my definition of "erotic
Oh, I don’t think anyone got mad... just disagreed. And I don’t think, for the most part, people are irritated or upset with you. I actually thought this was a very nice poll.

I just happened to drop in here and saw my name in the thread. To be honest, I thought most people had probably forgotten me/never heard of me in the first place.
Oh, my goodness, Wendy. You’ve got to be kidding! Can we bend down and kiss your feet and beg you to come back to LnC fandom?

I have not posted anything I have written yet, but statements like this make me not even want to bother.
Oh, please don’t feel as if you can’t post your stories. I didn’t post for years, but it wasn’t because of what people said about one genre or another. I was just ‘chicken’. And, yes, I was afraid of what people might say, but my stories have been warmly received, and I’ve made many new friends by posting. So, please, don’t feel intimidated! Post one of your stories.

But I shall give it a try anyway. I have never showed anyone anything I wrote, so it should be an adventure, right?
Oh, yes, it can definitely be an adventure.

Thanks, but it's still tough to come up with something that's not already been done before!
No matter how many times something has been done, there is always a different take on it.

Oh, my but this topic has taken quite a turn hasn’t it? I agree with James - no more head banging.

For example, I don't say that just because a story isn't in my list of top three favorite genres, I won't read it.
Oh, yes, I agree. Even though I have my favorite genres, I’ll read almost anything Lois and Clark. As I’ve said before on the fanfic board, the biggest turn off for me when reading is when there is a total lack of punctuation and grammar. I’ll give almost any LnC story a try.


~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~