I generally take erotic in this sense to mean a PWP-- which is not to say that the characters don't show love, tenderness, etc, just that the focus is more on depicting sexual intimacy, a "slice" of the relationship. Longer fics tend to have this as an ingredient not the focus.

So given that, I wouldn't fit Walk In My Shoes in that category. That does not mean that it doesn't have "erotic" moments, but that those moments are secondary to a more general exploration of the relationship.

You can just divide the two as erotic and nfic, but I'm leery of nfic as a category because it defines a fic by the existence of adult content-- which can be as little as one nscene. That's a bit reductive.

I add, that I'm not going to whine against the system in place, I know the reasons for it and I agree. But "nfic" tells us nothing about the type of fic only that there might be adult content.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan