So don't write yourself off so easily.
Thanks, but it's still tough to come up with something that's not already been done before! Just last week I had this brilliant idea. I thought it was something new, different and wonderful but then I stumbled across a similar story and so I put mine away. I mean, I could go out there and bring the most weird plot from somewhere and make my story an Original one, but I still think it would all have written before - somewhere by someone! And those that haven't been written probably won't appeal to me or the readers because writing something new and getting people to recognize it is difficult!

I'm not criticizing any of the authors; having posted some NFics of my own, it would mean I'm criticizing myself as much... but look at the loads of NFic we have here! Most of them don't contain any plot at all, just a small vignette with some of *N* stuff. I agree that some are really hot/sensual but most of them are just the same thing put in different words! Same story, same bedroom stuff, different words! What's the big deal?

I can name a dozen popular stories by popular authors which didn't make an attractive read to me at all. I don't want to name any right now, since I'm probably going to get another dozen accusing fingers pointed at me.

And sometimes even if the plot's good it's not popular because it's not the *plot* readers want, it's the *steam*! So, you can't basically categorize an NFic as steamy/sexy and give that option because even a Death*N*fic will have steam and that's why people will probably read it!

Whereas in PG stories, the plot, the other emotions etc. are prominent! That's why I still honestly don't think anything's wrong in the list I made! Because it's more PG-focussed (but NFic inclusive), now that I look at it. If I were to create another list exclusively for NFics then I'd have come up with the same list (with an option for "Elseworld- new beginnings" but no hot/sexy/steamy/sensual column because that's something that's a part and parcel of a story being an NFic, be it a NFic romance or horror)

And one other thing, if I were to remove that "not mild tender romance or love" from 2. EROTIC column then that story will probably fall under Romance/WaFF category, won't it?!?! And if I did include something extreme, it would come under 9.Paranormal (supernatural/ horror etc.)

So how would I describe something like kink/ roleplay/ sex for sex sake/ pheromone lovemaking where both don't know what they're doing? Steam? Hot? or EROTIC? I don't think Steam/hot/sensual can describe it because it's gonna be something very general and everybody will vote for it, something which every NFic should possess!

So how would I caption an option which only some people like to read such as kink? That's why I came up with "Erotic" and specified *that* definition there.

I agree I should probably have made it more subtle but I'm so sorry I possess only that much vocabulary and brain! laugh and if you look at the poll, you'll find that the definition for EROTIC is the lengthiest and I didn't want to make it any more lengthier!

I have been reading on this site for quitr some time and I have favorite authors, too, but I don't go around proclaiming who they are. And I don't follow up my list with "and they always will be, and no one else can even come close, so, don't bother trying, suckers."
I don't think it means that I shouldn't post my favorite authors/stories names just because the rest (myself included) are going to be disappointed that their names didn't feature in the list! There are hundreds of authors here and I think those who are best need to be given a boost like this somewhere ( so that I can elicit more stories from them somehow! laugh ) Besides I named only whom I think are the best - if I were to name some of the worst then I'd probably hurt their feelings, which I didn't.

So, I think, as Labrat says, it's better not to compare with the others but just write for the fun of it, even though we know it's probably not going to be the best story in the world! But occassionally it's good to say to a really exceptional author, "You are the best!"

There, I've gotten it all out of my mind! *a huge sigh*


( oo * Work) + (1 * Hubby) + (2 * Kids) = 0 * Time