Okay we begin from the premise that all categories are shady. But for the sake of entertainment, let's put that aside for a second. wink

What nfic tells us is that the story is from the genre nfic.
I just don't think "nfic" is a genre like "waff" or "angst" is.

In fact, to me, nfic is a rating system. Why? Because the only thing that makes a fic "n" is adult content rigidly defined (i.e. whatever makes it unacceptable for the lighter side of the boards).

If we're trying to list fanfic by genre, then it seems to me that nfic is a fairly logical addition to the list.
I disagree. Lets take a random nfic as an example. PG-fied it'd be tentatively under the "angst/drama" category.

But if we go along the assumption that "nfic" is a genre like "waff," that fic can ONLY be labeled as nfic, regardless of what its actually about.

So its PG version category ("angst") does more justice to the actual content (even if we understand its a matter of interpretation).

Granted, it's a wide definition - but then so are most of the others in the list,
My counter is that the "nfic" label is not analogous to the labels "waff" or "angst." It's analogous to "PGfic."

I think about it this way--when one goes to the video rental place there are all sorts of genres--action, comedy, romance, whatever. Under those there are a variety of movies with different ratings.

To argue that "angst/drama" is the same genre as "nfic" is like arguing, the "drama" genre at blockbuster is the same as the "R" rating.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan