Anyone else have a genre they can't live without?
Humor humor and humor! If it comes bundled up with romance and sweet stuff, I love it all the more! Not necessarily an NFic, but it's also okay.

Unfortunately, very few authors here make me have a good laugh, so I automatically settle for a good Romantic/WaFFy one. Many authors do a great job in writing a sensual, lovely romance, so I'm not naming any.

And just-the-opposite one comes next, but I read it only when I'm in the mood - Drama.

EDIT : --I don't mean the others aren't good or that they can never come close or that their works suck -- I probably should add this sentence in every one of my posts hereafter, since they're being looked with a huge magnifying glass laugh

I hope I'm allowed to add this; but the list isn't gonna change...
For me,
And the best is and will always be
Wendy! hail - Faux Pas, A Conscious Choice and sequel - The Morning After, For the Greater Good, Happy New Tears, The Healing Time, It Happened One (Super) Night and sequel - It's A Super Life, It Only Hurts When I Breathe (I love this one!), Nightmare on Clinton Street, The Penfriend and the list goes on and on and on (some of the stories are multi-authored)

And many others follow her - (not necessarily in that order)
Sheila Harper - Faster Than A Speeding Bullet(the incomparable), Walk in My Shoes

Kathy Brown (I loved her Tea-Totaled - wish she'd made it into an NFic! And of course, WFBL and WLBM, A Flickering Flame - OMG! Now there's a real plot!)

ML Thompson - First Comes Marriage, The People v. Clark Kent

Meredith Knight - Night Errant, Rest and Reproduction, That Honeymoon Feeling

And many more but that's all I can think of right now. Most of these stories are just GFics, but make a far more worthy read than many NFics out there!

Why don't some of these authors write anymore? *whines*


( oo * Work) + (1 * Hubby) + (2 * Kids) = 0 * Time