Ah ha!

129 pages after part 7! (Thank you, Sheila.)

*Now* tell me my chapters are too short!! I dare you!

As for Andrus and his utter incompetence, this is such good stuff, you don't know. And I can't tell you.

But this writer might be really pleased with all the nibbling on the subject. Just thought I'd mention, solely for the sake of conversation.

Oh, yes. Liz read my comments correctly on part 9. After this week, we'll take a two-week hiatus! And I'm sorry!! But I promise it starts to move fairly quickly once we hit part 13. And I just cannot imagine it will grow any bigger than 20 parts! Really!

CC- who, if she closes her eyes and listens closely, can hear the 'I told you so' all the way from Scotland.

Edit: Sorry, KathyM. Meant to mention. Andrus is the son-in-law of Odias Sinders, the esteemed former Director of Peacekeeping.

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
