Shut up. Good God, I should know by now I can't read one of these segments without popping open my comments window halfway through.

And poor Silas thought they were look-a-likes run amuck...

Yet another showdown between Lois and Clark. I love their fights. I really do. They're so intense, and they carry so much personality of the two of them when you write.

“You hear things fairly easily.” Clark said matter-of-factly. “That’s how you keep finding us.”
Never even would of thought of that!!

Madge turned wary eyes to Tempus, weighing the speculation in them, registering the dawning comprehension.
rotflol Sorry, I know I shouldn't be laughig at Herb's misfortune, but that's so funny, James! Great idea!

You're kidding. I've read 123 pages already? Doesn't even feel like it! Omg, I can't wait to see what Silas has to say with all of the crazy Lois/Clark/globe stuff in front of him. I had to snort when he threatened to outrun Clark...

Silas better have gotten a ginormous ClueX4!

Can't wait for the next part!

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy