CC, if you could have watched me reading this part, it would have made your little author's day. Week. Year, most likely.

I was on the edge of my seat during the L&C&S scene ... just aching with Clark to get my hands on that globe, and loving, loving, loving the way he finally got a backbone transplant and overrode Lois's Tempus investigation with his desperate need to see the globe first. Loved that they dropped the fascade and let Silas see who they really were (and of course Silas would assume they were nutjobs who had been roleplaying far too long), loved Lois's "Who are you! You can't be sweet Kansas farmboy one minute and 'Give me the globe or else', the next!" (paraphrased, but I'm on a roll with no time to go back for the exact quote), and was practically falling out of my chair with glee as the globe came alive under Clark's touch.

Deep sigh. Wow, that was so satisfying, and there's still more to come!

So then I got to the Madge/Petal/Tempus stuff ... and again, you should have been here because I was literally laughing out loud at Petal's awesome acting skils and Tempus's flirting and that Madge's flattery was working so perfectly and "Same conditions as last time" which says so much about how often they've played this game. And then ... Andrus showed up. And I screamed. No, really, I did. OK, ok, it was more of a "ARGH!!!", but I did yell it out loud and even pounded my fists on my chair arm, laughing my butt off and going, "No, no, no!!!"

So, um ... did I just admit all that out loud? Shoot.

Yeah, yeah, I'm hooked. Show me the way to the funny farm. Just make sure it has internet access because I *need* my next fix of this story.

And as for the number of story parts, just keep on writing, darlin'. No need to bring this story to an end. Like, ever.
