lol. Ann. I hadn't really meant to link the two pics like that, but it works. I like the yodeling take.

For the record, the pics are from Illusions of Grandeur. Perry has been hypnotized so that whenever Jimmy says "chief," he holds up his fingers like that and says, "That's brilliant, Jimmy!"

Each time it happens, Perry looks at his hand, confused, sheepishly puts it away, and then leaves. I thought there was a pic where he was almost wrestling it down. Thought that'd make a good caption pic. Couldn't find quite what I was looking for. He tucks it away and cradles it to his chest, he slaps it away, he just kind of puts it down... but you have to see the whole action to make sense of it. No single frame really works.

So the first pic is from the first time it happens. It looks in the pic like he's looking at the paper in Jimmy's hand, but he's actually frowning at his own hand, trying to figure out what's going on. Jimmy, meanwhile, is feeling smug, having deviously gotten Perry's approval for his plan to go with L&C on the next story.

The second pic is from later in the ep. Jimmy mentions "the chief of police," which triggers Perry. Jimmy kind of leans away from it (both from the mistake and the growing guilt of mind-controlling his boss). I thought it looked like Perry was trying to shoot Jimmy with his finger, and Jimmy was backing away, so I threw it in to the mix.

Not sure what was going through Clark's head at the time. He just kind of had his hand over his mouth the whole time. I think he was busy thinking about the problem at hand (people in danger, Perry refusing to run the story due to lack of evidence). Or maybe he was just trying not to react to the Perry & Jimmy thing (being perhaps amused by the mistake and/or uncomfortable with what Jimmy was pulling).

Well, anyway... hopefully the next pic will be up soon, and hopefully it'll be better than what I came up with.

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.